Our hotel toilet seals are high-end and environmentally safe
Toilet seals help your customers to feel comfortable using the toilets at your hotel, while also making it that much easier for you to keep everything clean. But, until now, they aren’t always the most environmentally friendly option. We’ve made it easy for you! Our hotel toilet seals are high-end and environmentally safe, too – learn more at our site today!
AusPacific Group Pty Ltd
Phone: 02 8809 3402
Email: info@auspacificgroup.com.au
Address: Unit 2 20 Butterfield St Blacktown, NSW, 2148
Operating Hours: 9.00am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday (24/7 online ordering)
Website: http://www.auspacificgroup.com.au/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AusPacific-Group-Pty-Ltd-278171166193920/